South Park Resident

Qualifications to run:

Resident (tenant and homeowner) who is at least 18 years of age and who occupies his/her own dwelling within the South Park area within the DLANC boundaries.

Qualifications to vote:

Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and reside within the South Park area within the DLANC boundaries.

Number of Seats: 

Andrew D. Ruiz

A resident of Downtown L.A. for over 10 years, I served as Resident Director-Fashion District from 2008-2012. I am currently a resident and Property Manager of The Watermarke Tower, where I manage 214 residences (with approximately 325 South Park residents) on a daily basis. As such, I am constantly dialed in to a network of surrounding property management constituents-including my staff of 60, outside vendors, and other property managers which allows me to stay abreast to issues pertaining to South Park residents as a whole.

Scott Bytof

Downtown Los Angeles is transforming before our eyes. DLANC has been instrumental in projects including filming policy, Art Walk, Bringing Back Broadway, the Skid Row 3 on 3 Basketball League and Spring Street Park.

With government resources constrained, engaged and well represented communities can halp determine priorities. The future of Downtown is in the hands of the people that live, work and play here.

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