A selection of Board Members will be held at the time of our regularly scheduled Board Meeting, on July 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM.
At that time, a selection of persons to fill the two vacant board seats will be held according to the standing rules.
Board Filled Vacancies
1. At a regularly scheduled meeting, a vacant seat will be announced.
2. Any Stakeholder interested in filling a vacancy on the Board shall submit a written application to the Board 1 week prior to the selection meeting.
3. The Board shall cause the matter to be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Board.
4. The Board shall vote on the application at the next regularly scheduled meeting. If multiple applications for one seat have been submitted, the candidate with the most votes wins.
5. The candidate who wins shall fill the remaining term of the Board seat unless an election or selection occurs sooner.
6. In no event shall a vacant seat be filled where a general election is scheduled to occur within 60 days of the date that a written application is presented to the Board.
The two seats to be are to be filled are both business seats. The areas are Central City East and City West. See the acceptable documentation document to better understand what is necessary to run for these seats.
Candidate applications must be received by Election Committee Chair, Russell Chan, and be in hand no later than 5:00 PM on July 3, 2014.
Boundaries for the two seats are as follows:
Central City East/Toy District
Los Angeles Street at 3rd Street, east to San Pedro, south to Boyd Street, east to Omar Street, south to 4th Street, east to Alameda Street.
Alameda Street at 4th Street, south to 9th Street.
9th Street at Alameda Street, west to Towne Avenue.
Towne Avenue at 9th Street, north to 8th Street, west to San Pedro Street, north to 6th Street, west to Wall Street, north to 7th Street, west to Los Angeles Street, north to 3rd Street.
City West
101 Freeway at Beaudry, east to 110 Freeway.
110 Freeway to 101 Freeway, west to Bixel.
8th Street at 110 Freeway, west to Bixel Street.
Bixel Street at 8th Street, north to Miramar Street, west to Emerald Street, north to 2nd Street, west to Edgeware Road, north to 1st Street, east to Beaudry, north to 10 101 Freeway.